

Life has been manic lately. I've had a lot of extra hours at work but I'm now done! Completely done in fact, I worked my last day on the 6th and now I've got just under 2 weeks to sort everything out before I'm on a flight to Tokyo. Panic stations?!

I did mention in my last post that I was planning on making another vlog, yea... that didn't happen. One vlog a week was definitely overly ambitious! I'd like to make one before flying since I know I won't be guaranteed decent internet connection once I get there, but this is in no way a promise.

Right, photos. I finished editing most of these a while ago but just didn't get around to posting them. I put a lot more time into the editing this time around, since I was working with a plain background I tried to make the colours more interesting but not O.T.T.

Once again I was working in my 'studio', this is literally just one plain wall and one shitty flashgun behind an umbrella, some annoying shadows on the wall, I couldn't get far enough away from it to avoid them completely, but I'm quite pleased with the results anyway. Kayleigh was an excellent model, she doesn't do this very often and said she was nervous in front of a camera but she hides it well!

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