

I am typing this while sitting in the, slightly chilly, living room of my friend Nathan's flat about 20km away from the centre of Tokyo. I was originally going to type out a little something for most of these photos but, having just scrolled through them by themselves, I think they tell the story without any help. So, here's a lot of what I saw these last two days...

So, I'm finally here! I started talking about doing this about four or five years ago and now I am actually doing it. The only way I can think of to describe how I'm feeling is that moment on a roller coaster right before the first big drop. You've been slowly hauled upwards with the ticking and clunking of the gears and motors. Then there's a brief moment at the top, which feels like it's lasting forever, right before you tip over the edge. It's completely your own doing that you're sat there in the first place but right then you don't have any control, you can't change your mind, it's inevitable now. THAT is what this feels like.

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