
Trains, trains and yes... more trains.

Some of the many tickets used over the past week and a half. I've met so many new people and walked many, many miles that my head is spinning a little and my legs aching rather a lot. Quite exhausting but it's been a lot of fun. Unfortunately my little point and shoot told me a terrible lie before I left home, I checked it's battery levels and it claimed to have over half a battery's worth of power left. Once I was a long way from a charger it changed it's mind and started turning itself off so what follows are a few of the 8 pictured I managed to snap.

It was my 22nd birthday on the 8th. I had nothing planned as my friends are scattered all over the place at the moment and we're all struggling with money but I did go out for a meal with these two lovely people who got me some really cute little presents that I really love. We had a really good giggle much to the annoyance of the couple seated next to us.

The Truman Brewery is once again full of more art than you can take in in one day including this years photography graduates from Farnham. I helped set up with them and have to say, theirs has been a MUCH better organised and funded show than the one I was part of last year, much less hectic. Lots of very impressive work as well.

In one of the many periods of wandering and waiting we had an excellent vegi burger on the Routemaster. You can't really tell from this picture that it's actually a double decker bus.

Bekah and her work. I'm ashamed to say it's the only picture I got of her with it and it's blurry! I was in a rush to get it before the camera gave up completely and on the LCD it looked sharp. Whoops.

In other news, I have a job interview next week that's getting me rather nervous/excited. If I get it things will be taking a big and positive step in the direction I want. About time really.

The film waiting to be processed is piling up in the fridge but it's going to have to wait till I next get paid I think. Annoying, but should be worth it.

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