
So, things are happening.

All at once. I got a new job which I start very soon that should get me a big step closer to actually moving to Bristol.

This would, of course, happen at the same time my current manager goes on holiday so there are more hours available with the job I already had. So mostly all I will be doing for the next few weeks is working a lot.

This is a good thing really as more work means more money. Which, in turn, means I can maybe get some of the ever multiplying rolls of exposed film developed as well as start to a) crawl out of my overdraft and b) save up money to move.

I've not got many photos of all the things I have been up to lately. I've had cameras with me but batteries have been dead, film has been put in the fridge and memory cards have been left in drawers instead of being put back into cameras.

I can't even remember what I shot on the film and there's something like 6 or 7 rolls waiting to be developed now as well as the roll of B&W that's in the camera at the moment (I current have no way of developing it). I got a new cable release for my DSLR but it's very very short. Not so useful for the self-portraits though I do intend to shoot some at somepointifIhavethetimemaybe...

For now I will leave you with this (obviously not one of my photos)....
...and advise you to visit this site because it's just amazing.

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