
To-do lists and learning curves

My to-do list is very long at the moment. Lots of little things I've been putting off for one reason or another. One thing, I wasn't really putting off but kept forgetting to start, was editing the footage I took over Christmas. Finally did it today.

It's really short, it only exists because I wanted to play with the 85mm f/1.8 and because I needed to start learning the basics of Adobe Premiere. Mission accomplished!

So apparently it's all about video at the moment. This is not at all a bad thing! I'm enjoying it rather a lot but I have much to learn about editing. I managed to avoid it for such a long time too! This one has had no colour corrections or anything, when I say 'learning the basics' I mean TOTAL basics. Saving the rest for another time and perhaps a more exciting project.

Also, I need to sort out some shoots so that I don't keep taking photos of my cat.


Kayleigh said...

If you want to sort out some shoots you are more than welcome to use me! If there's time while I'm down :)

Lauren Eldekvist said...

Absolutely! If you have any outfits you particularly like/want an excuse to wear bring them too! :D