
More practicing...

I've been reading through lots of articles on Strobist trying to get my head around balancing flash and ambient light and I think I'm actually understanding it! I am still lacking models which makes the whole process take a little longer (setting up tripod, cable release, etc. etc. the 60D's screen is an absolute blessing for this stuff.) but I am hopefully going to do some portraits of a friend this week so that will be good. Give me a chance to play around with shooting angles way more easily.

Window on the right, umbrella-ed strobe directly on left (my room is small and has a sloping ceiling so I imagine there was a fair bit bouncing off of that to account for the softness and wrap) at 16/1 zoomed out to 24mm. I think my exposure was ISO100 and a 50th at f/2.8? Something like that.

Can't wait to have a proper shoot and really get to grips with all this. Practice, practice, practice.

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