
the start of 2011

I feel like lots has happened recently, but only VERY recently. On the 31st of January I FINALLY passed my driving test!! It's taken me a long time to get here, for a whole host of reasons, and it means a huge amount to me to have achieved this. I found out I have an interview for what is I guess the next step up from the job I'm doing now, which is also very exciting, if a bit scary. On top of that I've had a lot of good feedback from my current job and the temp/trial I did over the Christmas period.

I didn't have any 'new years' resolutions per se, but I did have a number of things I wanted to sort out/achieve/start doing ASAP. One of those being my drivers licence and another being; to start reading more again.

So far I have read:

'The Adventures Huckleberry Finn' by Mark Twain
'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen
'The Liar' by Stephen Fry

and I am about half way through 'Norwegian Wood' by Haruki Murakami.

I think that's pretty good going! Once I get back into it I read pretty fast but getting through Huck Finn was difficult, I enjoyed it a lot but it maybe wasn't the easiest of books to start with. Perhaps should have gone for something I already knew?

Anyway, PHOTOS! Still managing to keep going with the 365 project, I'm starting to think about what I'm going to do with the images once I'm done. I've just passed the 200 mark so over half way now! Crazy to think it's been that long already. I think I've said this before but doing a photo every day really highlights the passing time.

It's also making sure I have a camera with me all the time so I am taking more photos generally (that being the main reason for starting the project in the first place)....

The weather is starting to change, or it feels like it is. I notice that spring-like smell in the air now and then. I'm going to make sure I start cycling more again! I got very bad when everything froze over, I fell off once and decided I'd best stop 'till it warmed up a bit. Which is did... several weeks ago. Still not cycling to the train station. This weekend, this weekend I will.

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