
Wolfgang Tillmans - The Serpentine

I finally got out of this tiny town last Friday and went into London. The primary reason was to go see a friends' MA graduate show but as I was paying the train fare I figured I should make the most of it.

I went to The Photographers Gallery and saw the Sally Mann show which I'd heard lots about, I didn't think I'd manage to get down and see it before it finished and I'm really glad I did because it was wonderful. I wish I could have stayed to watch the whole film they were screening, seeing her shooting and talk about her process was really interesting.

I also went to the Serpentine which is what really made my day. I've loved Wolfgang Tillmans work for years and getting to see that show was so good.

(Images from tillmans.co.uk)

He manages cover such a wide range of subjects and with so many approaches and then put it all in the same space yet it makes perfect sense to me. It all works so well together and I guess that's sort of what I'd like to try and achieve. In my formal art training the emphasis has always been so much on cohesion that I always took the 'safe' route to a final piece, relating images in very obvious ways or just outright repeating them (I did this for 'Embodiment', though I find repetition is very interesting in itself).

I also love his embracing of techniques perhaps considered on the edge of photography, such as photocopying and 'mistakes' in the darkroom (I do so love darkroom mistakes).

There were a few pieces in particular that really interested me. Some shots of the 2004 Venus Transit which I adored and there was some writing and newspaper clippings in the next room about how he felt about it which got me all excited about space and the enormity of it all. I wish I had known about it then because I would have loved to witness it myself (the next one is in 2012 for those who are well located to see it). Space, or my feelings about it, is something I'm wanting to interoperate into some images some how but I'm still working out how I'm going to go about doing that.

I went back to the piece on the left several times. This is something you really need to see in the flesh to appreciate. I felt like I should be able to dive right into it and swim.

There are some things that are just MEANT to be that big. Working out what sizes everything should be is a process I have always found very difficult. Getting it wrong can make things so uncomfortable to look at some how. I really admire Tillmans' editing and presentation because I struggle with that part of resolving my own work, but then I don't know how hard he finds it and he's been doing this a while now so I imagine that does help!

I think this approach appeals to me because I can get bored rather quickly and the diversity in this show meant I could have stayed a lot longer than I did (and I didn't rush myself) quite happily.

Thinking back on it now I'd love to be able to go back and see it all again. It had been so long since I last went to a gallery (if we exclude a brief visit to Spike Island last week) and it's really nice to feel so inspired again. It's got me back to thinking about putting together some work to show and creating new work, getting on with things.

I feel alive again!

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