
It's been a good week.

It started badly with missing a training day because I was ill but I was well enough to go to the next.

There were a number of very nice people and very nice cameras. Spending a day in Leeds was enough to bring my accent back, very amusing and it's it still sticking around.

I've been very good about not eyeing up newer DSLRs but that day did make it quite obvious that I could really use an upgrade. Of course, in an ideal world I'd be able to shoot lots of film and print everything myself. In reality it's a lot easier for me to shoot digital.

A 3 and a 1/2 hour train ride was made much less boring thanks to a whole season of Desperate Housewives...

The youngest sister had a birthday recently and to celebrate a group of us went to Thorpe Park. I seriously impressed myself by going on a number of the bigger roller coasters. I screamed. A lot.

Obviously no photos from actually ON the rides though that would be a lot of fun to try (can you imagine? I couldn't even open my eyes for most of them!).

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