Yay! Yes, cousin Kayleigh left her (York)shire to visit this (Wilt)shire. Many cup cakes were baked and eaten, many photographs were taken and many, many bad jokes were told (it's something about being around more family members than usual, the jokes just get worse and more frequent, like it's a competition and the visiting family member is the judge).
We went for a walk and my mum told a story about landing in a hot air balloon...
Afterwards was when round two of baking began...
I showed off a bit about the 6D being brilliant by taking the obligatory camera-phone-ception photo using the wifi.
...and then round three of baking started when Naddy got home and decided she needed to bake some to take to college.
I don't think we've even managed to finish eating all of the cup cakes, not for lack of trying! I've been averaging about three a day, which should give you an idea of just how many there were.
When the busy Christmas period at work tailed off in January I really thought I would have lots more free time, but no. I've pretty much been constantly busy since the start of the year and this is not a complaint! It's just surprising and I'm finding my 'to do' list just keeps growing and the amount of time I have to do those things shrinking.
I've really neglected my vlogging (spoiler alert: I plan to make one tomorrow) and, disappointingly, I've already managed to miss a day in my 365 (not the end of the world but I was faintly hoping to beat my previous starting streak of 77, I was way off this time).
So this has been a life update of sorts? More 'studio' portraits of Kayleigh to follow when I finally finish editing them.