Apparently I chucked four rolls of finished film into my box of unused film, I picked one up thinking I had some portra left and then found the others in there as well! They're of the flat in Bristol and, judging from the carnival and the weather in them, it must have been about a year ago I shot them.
It has been really lovely to find all these. I think the majority, if not all of them, were shot with the Olympus Trip. I was very aware of winter last year, partially because I was out in it a lot, cycling, walking, waiting for buses and trains. I have a feeling I will be less-so this year, it has (so far) not been as cold and because I haven't been cycling nearly as much.
I haven't blogged in a little while as I've been working a lot and haven't done any more interesting shoots, there are a few in the early planning stages which should happen in the next few weeks and I also have a new friend. She comes in the form of a Voigtländer Bessa R with a 35mm f/2.5 and she's beautiful. One roll of film in there at the moment but it's taking a while to get through it with no real objectives and not very much time (or light at this time of year!).
So I have proven, once again, that I have no self-control when it comes to spending money on cameras. I have wanted a pretty little rangefinder (with a meter, my Zorki 4K is also very pretty but not so practical on that front) for years so I managed to justify it. With any luck I'll finish a roll and get it developed fairly quickly so I can get an idea of what the lens is like! I have a Jupiter 8 50mm f/2 and a collapsable 50mm f/3.5 which I would also like to test and see what kind of results they produce. Lots of fun ahead. And I still need some models to keep learning with my EOS kit and lighting! So much to do....