

I've been stuck in bed for the past two days thanks to having caught some horrible cold virus so I've been looking at a few photographers that I've been finding very inspiring lately...

The above images are by the wonderful Ahndraya Parlato.

These ones are by Davin Youngs.

This last lot are by Sannah Kvist. Go check out her series 'Untitled 1', I love those images but didn't want to overload this entry, it's already pretty big as it is.


I've been revisiting some memories.

I've realised I've lost a lot of photos at some point, probably when moving all my files onto my new harddrive, I can only hope they're still somewhere on the old one, not that I have any idea where that is.

I was trying to together together all the photos I have of S, there are rather a lot of them but the few I remember so clearly were taken with my last phone and it's those photos I can't find.

This is the problem with digital images, they're so... temporary? So easily to lose. I suppose the same thing could be said about prints and negatives but it seems easier to look after them, put them in a safe place, protect them from our own clumsyness.

I need to take more photos. I'm always saying that though. And I will, soon.

I need to scan my first FB print and get it up here to be seen. I'm very pleased with it and can't wait to get into the darkroom with a box of my own. Print more fabric photos and re-print Vision & Knowledge ('Untitled' on my website) on FB too, bigger and all the same size, not like how I presented it for assessment, that wasn't quite right.