It is beautiful outside.
Some days, most days in fact, I really appreciate the journey home. Cycling 2.5 miles to get to school and then the same to get home again can be very tiring but the weather has been so amazing lately that I've not minded at all.
It's frosty for the first time (that I've noticed) in an evening. The grass is crispy and sparkles as you move past it. I could see my breath and anything more than 10m away from me looked hazy in the mist. I could still see the stars though. A very sharp cold.
The street lamps around here seem more orange than other street lamps. They're a deep fiery orange that looks so much like it should be very warm. With that light, the sparkly grass and the mist everything looks quite surreal.
About a week ago, before the frost, I was cycling in an un-lit area. It's a bit strange to cycle there in the dark as I don't have any lights so I can't see the road. I know the route well enough to get myself through the dark patch safely enough. It's the trees either side that make it so dark there. Out the other side...
It was a full moon, or close too it, that evening. Making everything appear more blue than usual and oddly bright everywhere. The mist defusing the light to make it all so even and eerie. A couple of crows kindly fluttered over, cawing to complete the effect of the whole scene.
Give me another month and I'll be complaining loudly about the low temperatures and wishing it to be spring but, for now, I'm loving winter.